Cyberattack and Data Breach Emergency Services
During a cyberattack or data breach, time is of the essence. Microman offers on-demand incident response services to address and mitigate attacks or threats promptly. With our extensive expertise and cutting-edge tools, Microman is ready to support your small or medium-sized business during an incident or when immediate assistance is required. We offer both on-site and remote services.

Experiencing an active attack or data breach?
Contact Microman for Immediate Assistance
Planning call to establish communication preferences and confirm what (if any) remediation steps have already been taken.
Identify the scale and impact of the attack.
Mutually define a response plan. Start deploying tools.
Assess operating environment.
Identify known indicators of compromise or adversarial activity.
Perform data collection and initiate investigative activities.
Collaborate on plan for initiating response activities.
Remove the attackers’ access. Stop any further damage to assets or data.
Prevent any further exfiltration of data.
Recommend real-time preventative actions to address root cause.
Perform ongoing monitoring to detect recurrence.
Provide a post-incident threat summary.

Microman Cyber Attack Emergency Services
A dedicated team of specialists equipped to rapidly halt advanced and active attacks and threats, providing organizations with an incident response service.
Contact Microman for Immediate Assistance